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in behalf of造句

"in behalf of"是什么意思  
  • She never was known to have done a good action in behalf of anybody .
  • Croly's writings provided progressives with their most cogent arguments in behalf of positive legislation .
  • He gained widespread fame during world war ii for a series of posters in behalf of various national causes .
  • He worked hard all his life in behalf of the poor
  • He worked hard all his life in behalf of the poor
  • Oh yes , the other day , in behalf of the benevolent organization
  • Working together in behalf of the american people , we can and will meet these challenges
  • It was someone wrote our ministry . it said : thank you for all your prayers in behalf of my family
  • Its many independent subjobs run concurrently in behalf of the user who submitted the aggregate job
  • Capital , said bolkonsky . but , prince , i have come to you as a petitioner in behalf of this young friend
    “ charmant ”博尔孔斯基说道, “公爵,请您听我说,我到您这里来是替这个年轻人求情的。
  • It's difficult to see in behalf of in a sentence. 用in behalf of造句挺难的
  • In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth , humility and righteousness ; let your right hand display awesome deeds
  • " i say that it is too soon after declaring myself for louis xviii to break my vow in behalf of the ex - emperor .
  • In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth , humility and righteousness ; let your right hand display awesome deeds
    4 [和合]为真理、谦卑、公6义,赫然坐车前往,无不得胜;你的右手必显明可畏的事。
  • [ niv ] in your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth , humility and righteousness ; let your right hand display awesome deeds
    4 [和合]为真理、谦卑、公6义,赫然坐车前往,无不得胜;你的右手必显明可畏的事。
  • " then , " said albert , " this pious pilgrimage in behalf of the prisoners was your first remembrance ; what is the next ?
    “那么, ”阿尔贝说, “为了囚犯的福利而作这种虔敬的巡礼是您记忆中的第一件事情了,其次又是什么呢? ”
  • " very true , indeed ; - and now , my dear jane , what have you got to say in behalf of the interested people who have probably been concerned in the business
  • Our objective is “ trade in good faith , sell in responsible price and quality merchandise ” , our company take every customers seriously , we are in behalf of customer ' s benefit
  • According to the liaoning provincial industrial layout , equipment manufacturing is the comparative advantage industrial and in behalf of core competitive power of liaoning industry
  • Hereby allow me to pay our devoirs to you in behalf of all the staff of our company . we are glad to be your most sincere friends and hope we are friends for ever
  • To dedicate any and all profits from the boat shows or any other money making endeavors to be used only in behalf of programs beneficial to the sport of boating and the industry connected therewith
  • 更多造句:  1  2
如何用in behalf of造句,用in behalf of造句in behalf of in a sentence, 用in behalf of造句和in behalf of的例句由查查汉语词典提供,版权所有违者必究。